2015 - “The Book of OSM”
In 2015, Steve Coast kickstarted this collection of interviews with many of the founding contributors to OpenStreetMap. It contains fifteen interviews with the people who created and launched the project, starting in 2004, including: Andy Allan, Tom Carden, Kate Chapman, Martijn van Exel, Richard Fairhurst, Ben Gimpert, Sean Gorman, Muki Haklay, Henk Hoff, Pavel Machalek, Mikel Maron, Randy Meech, Ed Parsons, Andy Robinson, Grant Slater, and Steve Coast.
The interviews provide a compelling story of how a rag tag collection of volunteers was able to produce a map that would go on to inspire a global community to map the known world.
You can buy “The Book of OSM” at Bookshop.org and other booksellers.