2004 - First Street and First Editing Applet

On December 11, 2004, Steve Coast announced that the first street had been entered into OpenStreetMap.

From the beginning, everything that happened on OpenStreetMap was documented and discussed on public wikis and listservs. In this post on the main OSM list, which is active to this day, Coast describes a major milestone–the first street successfully added to OSM–and sketches a few next steps:


Hi all,

A fair amount of work has gone in to the backend and the applet to allow logging in, the deletion of points and the ability to load and add streets. The first street was entered today (well yesterday really) and the associated gps tracks behind deleted (well, versioned in to history). You can see it by taking a look at openstreetmap.org.


Around the same time, The Java-plugin-based in-browser online editor, simply called “Java Applet”, was first added to the code.