OpenStreetMap 20th Birthday Celebration

OpenStreetMap Logo with Celebrating 20 Years Badge

Happy Birthday OpenStreetMap!

In just twenty years, OpenStreetMap grew from a small UK-based mapping project into the largest crowdsourced and crowd-worked geospatial project of all time. Mapped and managed by tens of thousands of volunteers all over the world, OSM is the leading provider of open source geospatial data, reaching billions of people each year through a universe of applications and products that use its data for free under the Open Database License.

August 9, 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the best map of the world
“The core brilliance of OSM is that free, simple, and open tools can change the world. What will you create in the next 20 years?”

-Steve Coast, founder, OpenStreetMap

Twenty Years of OpenStreetMap

  • OpenStreetMap is Born!

    Steve Coast took the first step towards revolutionizing the world of mapping by registering the domain. This act marked the official birth of OpenStreetMap (OSM), a project that would grow to become a global phenomenon.

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